Department of Horticulture
Faculty Members
Department of Horticulture is one of the strongest departments within the Faculty of Agriculture comprising 10 competent faculty members with vast experience of teaching, research and extension in various horticultural crops including high value fruit, vegetable, ornamental, apiculture and post harvest horticulture. This department has started its post graduate program (M.Sc.Ag. and PhD) since 2070/71 and at present 25 students are in the M.Sc.Ag. (Horticulture) program and 4 students in PhD program. Our faculty members have working relationship with various national and international organizations including AVRDC, Winrock International and universities as well.
Courses Offered in Under Graduate
HRT 101 Introductory Horticulture 3 (2+1)
HRT 102 Ornamental Horticulture 3 (2+1)
HRT 203 Fruit and Plantation Crop Production 3 (2+1)
HRT 204 Vegetable and Spice Crop Production 3 (2+1)
HRT 305 Postharvest Horticulture 3 (2+1)
HRT 406 Agroforestry 2 (1+1)
HRT 406 Agroforestry Learning for Entrepreneurial Experience 15 (0+15) - Interdepartmental
Courses Offered in Post Graduate Programs (M.Sc.Ag. & PhD)
HRT 601 Advances in Pomology 2 (2+0)
HRT 602 Advances in Olericulture 2 (2+0)
HRT 603 Advances in Floriculture 2 (2+0)
HRT 604 Citriculture 2 (2+0)
HRT 605 Landscape and Garden Design 3 (2+1)
HRT 606 Growth and Development of Horticultural Crops 2 (2+0)
HRT 607 Postharvest Physiology of Horticulture Crops 3 (2+1)
HRT 608 Processing and Preservations of Horticultural Crops 3 (2+1)
HRT 609 Plant Propagation and Nursery Management 3 (2+1)
HRT 610 Plantation Crops, Spices and Condiments 2 (2+0)
HRT 611 Vegetable Seed Production Technology 3 (2+1)
HRT 612 Breeding of Vegetable Crops 2 (1+1)
HRT 613 Breeding of Fruit Crops 2 (1+1)
HRT 614 Breeding of Ornamental Plants 2 (1+1)
HRT 615 Protected Horticulture 3 (2+1)
HRT 616 Horticultural Laboratory Techniques 2 (0+2)
HRT 617 Environmental Plant Physiology 2 (2+0)
HRT 618 Plant Stress Physiology 3 (2+1)
HRT 619 Horticultural Plant Water Relation 2 (2+0)
HRT 620 Tissue Culture of Horticultural Crops 2 (1+1)
HRT 690 Special Problems 2 (0+2)