Message from the Dean

I am delighted in welcoming you to the Faculty of Agriculture (FOA) of Agriculture and Forestry University at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal.

The Faculty was established in 2012 by the University’s first senate meeting with the aim at producing technically competent human resource in agriculture and related areas for the development of agriculture, agro-industries and the socio-economic condition of the Nepalese people.

The faculty is undertaking undergraduate (BSc. Ag.) and graduate programs leading to Master of Science and Doctoral degrees in different areas of agriculture. It now has annual enrollment of 596 undergraduate students within central college located at Rampur, Chitwan and constituent college located in Kaski, Sindhuli, Dhankuta, Mahottari, Banke, Rolpa and Kailali districts on the name of College of Natural Resource Management. The faculty also runs two academic centers: Center for Biotechnology and Centre for Development Studies and Rural Sociology at its central campus in Rampur.

The faculty places a strong emphasis on development of skill and confidence in entrepreneurship in undergraduate students for self-employment. For this, the Learning for Entrepreneurial Experience (LEE) has been integrated in curricula of undergraduate studies which offers enough opportunities to the students in entrepreneurial experiences in the real field. This skill and confidence would motivate our graduate to be an entrepreneur as a job provider. Currently, the LEE is implemented in collaboration with PMAMP of Ministry of Agriculture at Federal Government.

We are dedicated in developing institutional capacity to expand research, training and services to the farming communities, agro-industries, government agencies, and other stakeholders in collaboration with private sector, research institutes, universities, local bodies, state and federal government across the country.

We are committed for academic excellence in teaching and research through developing faculty strength, improving physical infrastructure and facilities and creating better working environment for faculty members, administrative staff and students.

Prof. Arjun Kumar Shrestha, PhD